Sunday, March 3, 2019

Lost Man's Creek Trail

This past Sunday our family took a drive up North to Lost Man's Creek Trail. The turnoff is just a few miles north of Orick, Ca. We had attempted to walk this trail a couple weeks ago, but Darlene was so tired, cranky & inconsolable that we turned back pretty early along the trail. We were hoping to have better luck this weekend. Unfortunately, Darlene still wasn't in the best hiking mood this weekend, but she toughed it out and we had a good family walk overall.

The trail is so gorgeous and easy to walk along as it is fairly flat, at least in the beginning. Giant ancient Redwood trees line the sides of the trail, and Lost Man's Creek flows alongside. The creek was so full from all of the recent rain and snow here, and the loud rushing of the water was so pretty to listen to and watch. The trail crosses several bridges, and on each bridge we stopped and admired the creek below. Underneath the first bridge, Jade and Darlene spotted an otter! I was too far away, so by the time I ran over the little cutie had disappeared.

Darlene did a great job walking with us, but she really wanted me to carry her. I did for a little while, then we encouraged her to walk with us. We brought along our Deuter backpack which is basically the cadillac of baby carrier hiking packs, so Darlene really should appreciate it, but she doesn't always! Regardless, she ended up riding in the backpack for a ways, which is so much easier than carrying her in our arms!

She had a few meltdowns along the trail for various insignificant reasons, which to her were probably huge reasons, but then again, she is a toddler. Jade and I have been trying to figure out the best way to parent her in a manner that is gentle yet firm, because she has such a strong personality and will pretty much run the entire show and boss everyone around if we let her. Being first-time parents to such a headstrong little lady is such a challenge, and such a precious gift!

Towards the end of the trail she found a big stick which we ended up letting her walk with, and funny enough, that kept her content longer than anything else on the walk did. And as soon as we got back to the car and driving down the road, she was asleep!

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